We are team of 6 members with 10+ years’ experienced food security and livelihoods expertise in project implementation with local agropastoral communities with a proven track record of bringing distributed technology solutions to low-income households in the Gedo region.
The food security situation for vulnerable and marginalized groups including IDPs and poor households are precarious as they were squeezed between hyper-inflation, continuous conflict and lack of employment opportunities. The affected families often lack regular income and cannot afford to buy the minimum basket essential for family survival and need to be supported in their locations through the creation of opportunities for self-support. ZAKIFARMTECH is proposing to see the development and growth of the agribusiness sector in Gedo to become a major drive of economic development, job creation and empowerment in Somalia. providing the market every morning Fresh vegetable and fruits of mangoes, banana and citrus by maintaining a good relation with the consumers and availability of wide varieties of vegetables and fruits throughout the year. There is a large population of hundred thousand of people who require vegetables and fruits daily in the towns. We want to encourage the urban youth to take up farming activities to create self-employment through investment of business venture across the riverine villages Somalia in farming activities with network marketing youths Groups. Creating Biogas systems solution that can generate -powers to irrigate water from the river and making organic fertilizers where the youths will be used to collect Animal Manures and other wastes,thus,reduce climate change. Initiate organic farming skills by increasing the adoption of organic manure which will decrease environmental damage and land degradation and as well improve yield levels Encourage peer to peer learning to modify and if possible enhance the indigenous farming skills while proposing to held field days where farming skills can be exchanged among the farming communities Establish demo plots which will be managed by ACM and first start with a nursery and seed beds to help teach the farmers how to grow crops that must be first raised in a crop nursery for proper maturation and increased production
We have mobilized the youths to participate farm production through learning process in shareholding commissioning model.
View imageThe attached document is highlighting the proposed solutions towards zero hunger in Somalia at household level and with greater emphasis on urban youth and needy families
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